RE: Speaking at an AAAP meeting?
From: "Glenn A.
Walsh" <
To: "AAAP Vice
President" <
Cc: "Glenn A.
Walsh" <
To: Craig
From: Glenn A. Walsh
Thank you very much for your message. Such a message comes as a surprise, to
say the least!!!
I must assume that you are a rather new member of the AAAP and are not aware of
the unfortunate events of 2002.
At that time, when I was still a member of the club, there was a huge
controversy within the AAAP regarding the future of the historic equipment and
artifacts of the original Buhl Planetarium and
His letters referred to the response of Friends of the Zeiss to a City of
Pittsburgh RFP, regarding the future of four major artifacts of the original
Buhl Planetarium, including the very historic Zeiss II Planetarium Projector:
I found Mr. McHenry's letters to be arrogant and seeking to abridge the
free-speech rights of American citizens who happen to be members of the AAAP. I
have no interest in belonging to an organization which seeks to violate the
First Amendment rights of its members. Hence, I provided no reply to either
Now, regarding your request. Under normal
circumstances, I would be more than happy to make a presentation to interested
amateur astronomers, regarding the very historic Buhl Planetarium and
However, there may be members of the AAAP Executive Committee who would not
want me to make such a presentation. It would serve no ones interest for me to
make a presentation before a hostile audience.
My suggestion is that you take this request to the next meeting of the
AAAP Executive Committee. If the AAAP Executive Committee is amenable to a
presentation by me before the club, then I would seriously consider your kind
Glenn A. Walsh, Project Director,
Friends of the Zeiss <
Electronic Mail - < >
Author of History Web Sites on the Internet --
* Buhl Planetarium, Pittsburgh:
* Adler Planetarium, Chicago:
* Astronomer, Educator, Optician John A. Brashear:
* Andrew Carnegie
& Carnegie Libraries:
* Duquesne Incline
cable-car railway, Pittsburgh:
* Public Transit:
--- On Sat, 6/12/10, AAAP Vice President <
> wrote:
> From: AAAP Vice President <
> Subject: Speaking at an AAAP meeting?
> To:
> Date: Saturday, June 12, 2010, 2:47 PM
> Hello there Mr. Walsh!
> My name is Craig Lang and I am the Vice President of the
> Amateur
> Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh. We are one of
> the oldest and
> largest astronomy clubs in the
> two two
> observatories, Wagman Observatory and
> Observatory,
> and are currently 390 plus members of all different
> levels of activity in astronomy. More details on our
> organization can
> be found at
> I discovered your website in a search on the old Zeiss
> projector at
> the Buhl. After reviewing your website there and your
> credentials I
> thought I might ask if you would be interested in speaking
> at one of
> our organization's monthly meetings. Your work on the
> saving/restoration of the Zeiss is something that we would
> love to
> have you present to our group.
> The monthly meetings fall on the second Friday of the month
> for
> September through May and are held at the Carnegie Science
> Center in
> downtown
> honorarium of
> $150 and would help plan any travel details.
> If your schedule/duties do not allow you the ability do
> such
> presentations, we would be greatful if you are
aware of
> others that
> might be interested and would not mind referring us.
> We're always
> looking to hear about anything new relating, or even
> remotely
> relating, to astronomy.
> Thanks so much for your time and feel free to contact me
> via email or
> any of the methods listed below in my signature.
> Take care and keep looking up....
> Craig
> --
> Craig Lang, Vice President
> Amateur
Astronomers Association of Pittsburgh
> email: