Authored By
Glenn A. Walsh
Sponsored By
Friends of the Zeiss
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In the case of many periodicals, these news articles would then be available only from a specific free-of-charge or a pay-per-view archive sponsored by that periodical [or the periodical's commercial archive service]. Hence, those articles which cannot be read from this web page could be accessed by accessing the archive of the particular newspaper or magazine of interest.
In the case of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, a pay-per-view archive is used for articles written more than three years ago, back to 1990 (Pittsburgh Post-Gazette articles date back to 1993; articles from The Pittsburgh Press, which suspended publication permanently in 1992, date from 1990 to 1992). Check
< > for this archive. HOWEVER, if you have an Electronic Information Network public library card issued by The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh or one of the suburban libraries in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania [with the possible exception of the Monroeville, Northland, or Upper Saint Clair Public Libraries], you may receive free-of-charge access to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette news archive by going to the following web page and entering your library card number: < >. More recent articles are accessible for no charge; hence the articles below, less than three years old, should have active links.
The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review is one of the few major metropolitan daily newspapers which has a free-of-charge archive, back to 1988. Check the following Internet address for the archive page: < >.
Otherwise, these articles could be read from microfilm archives, for no charge, at many of the Carnegie Libraries in the Pittsburgh region.
However, there are active links to the majority of articles cited.
From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh - 2003 December 22:
Obituary: George Mechlin / Manager of research and development at Westinghouse
By Joyce Gannon
Former member of Buhl Planetarium Board of Directors
From the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Pittsburgh - 2003 November 2:
Asides: 11/2/03
ON THE SUBJECT of things Carnegie [second paragraph]
< >.
Authored By
Glenn A. Walsh
Sponsored By
Friends of the Zeiss
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Electronic Mail: < >
This Internet, World Wide Web Site administered by Glenn A.
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(C) Copyright 2003-2005,
Glenn A. Walsh, All Rights Reserved.
The author thanks
The Carnegie Library of
Pittsburgh and the Three Rivers Free-Net
for use of their digital scanner and
other computer equipment, and other
assistance provided in the production of this web site.
Internet Web Site Credits and Special Thanks.
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