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Astro Calendar |
Astronomical Glossary
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Moon, planets, star clusters, stars, and other astronomical terms referred to in this Astronomical Calendar.
Planets Defined --
Planet Mercury *** Planet Venus *** Planet Earth: Aphelion *** Perihelion *** Perihelion of Earth
Moon of Earth: Apogee *** Perigee *** Moon Phases: New Moon *** First Quarter *** Full Moon *** Last Quarter
Planet Mars *** Planet Jupiter *** Planet Saturn *** Planet Uranus *** Planet Neptune *** Planet Pluto
NEWS: Astronomy, Space, Science |
History of Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science, Pittsburgh |
Planets Defined --
Planet Mercury *** Planet Venus *** Planet Earth: Aphelion *** Perihelion *** Perihelion of Earth
Moon of Earth: Apogee *** Perigee *** Moon Phases: New Moon *** First Quarter *** Full Moon *** Last Quarter
Planet Mars *** Planet Jupiter *** Planet Saturn *** Planet Uranus *** Planet Neptune *** Planet Pluto
Planets Defined --
Planet Mercury *** Planet Venus *** Planet Earth: Aphelion *** Perihelion *** Perihelion of Earth
Moon of Earth: Apogee *** Perigee *** Moon Phases: New Moon *** First Quarter *** Full Moon *** Last Quarter
Planet Mars *** Planet Jupiter *** Planet Saturn *** Planet Uranus *** Planet Neptune *** Planet Pluto
Planets Visible This Month to Northern Hemisphere Observers --
* Morning:
Venus (Visibilty degrades slightly during month; by month's end it is only easily visible during morning twilight low in the east-southeast),
* Evening:
Mercury (Quickly fades in first week of month, as it decends into the bright western twilight sky, for northern observers),
Mars (In Constellation Taurus the Bull, stands more than 50 degrees high in the west-southwest at the end of evening twilight and sets near 1:00 a.m. in the northwest),
Planets Defined --
Planet Mercury *** Planet Venus *** Planet Earth: Aphelion *** Perihelion *** Perihelion of Earth
Moon of Earth: Apogee *** Perigee *** Moon Phases: New Moon *** First Quarter *** Full Moon *** Last Quarter
Planet Mars *** Planet Jupiter *** Planet Saturn *** Planet Uranus *** Planet Neptune *** Planet Pluto
Planets Visible This Month to Northern Hemisphere Observers --
*** Morning --
Mercury: Poor viewing for northern observers; becomes lost in the glare of the Sun by the middle of April, very low in the east before sunrise. However, best morning view for Southern Hemisphere observers, for entire year!
Venus: Low in east-southeast during morning twilight only; rises 2 hours before sunrise.
Jupiter (In Constellation Libra): Rises (east-southeast) at the end of evening twilight; reaches its highest in the sky (30 degrees) around 1:30 a.m.; can be seen high (25 degrees) in south-southwest sky at beginning of morning twilight.
*** Evening --
Mars (Middle of month, moves from Constellation Taurus to Gemini): High in the west (40 degrees) at the end of evening twilight; sets around 12:30 a.m. in the northwest.
Jupiter (In Constellation Libra): Rises (east-southeast) at the end of evening twilight; reaches its highest in the sky (30 degrees) around 1:30 a.m.; can be seen high (25 degrees) in south-southwest sky at beginning of morning twilight.
Saturn (In Constellation Cancer): High in the southwest (60 degrees) at the end of evening twilight; sets in the west-northwest around 2:30 a.m.
Planets Defined --
Planet Mercury *** Planet Venus *** Planet Earth: Aphelion *** Perihelion *** Perihelion of Earth
Moon of Earth: Apogee *** Perigee *** Moon Phases: New Moon *** First Quarter *** Full Moon *** Last Quarter
Planet Mars *** Planet Jupiter *** Planet Saturn *** Planet Uranus *** Planet Neptune *** Planet Pluto
Planets Defined --
Planet Mercury *** Planet Venus *** Planet Earth: Aphelion *** Perihelion *** Perihelion of Earth
Moon of Earth: Apogee *** Perigee *** Moon Phases: New Moon *** First Quarter *** Full Moon *** Last Quarter
Planet Mars *** Planet Jupiter *** Planet Saturn *** Planet Uranus *** Planet Neptune *** Planet Pluto
Planets Defined --
Planet Mercury *** Planet Venus *** Planet Earth: Aphelion *** Perihelion *** Perihelion of Earth
Moon of Earth: Apogee *** Perigee *** Moon Phases: New Moon *** First Quarter *** Full Moon *** Last Quarter
Planet Mars *** Planet Jupiter *** Planet Saturn *** Planet Uranus *** Planet Neptune *** Planet Pluto
* Saturn: In Constellation Leo the Lion. Rises in the east-northeast sky near 1:00 a.m.; can be found nearly 40 degrees high in east-southeast sky at the beginning of morning twilight.
* Mercury: May be seen low in the west-southwest sky after sunset during the middle of the month. Best evening view of Mercury, for Southern Hemisphere observers, for year. In conjunction with Jupiter on Oct. 25 and Oct. 28.
* Jupiter: In Constellation Libra. As month proceeds, becomes lost in evening twilight in the west-southwest sky. In conjunction with Mercury on Oct. 25 and Oct. 28.
* Venus: In superior conjunction with the Sun on Oct. 27. Not easily observed by Northern Hemisphere observers until early Dec., nor by Southern Hemisphere observers until late Nov.
* Mars: In conjunction with the Sun on Oct. 23. Cannot be observed until Dec., in either Northern Hemisphere or Southern Hemisphere.
Planets Defined --
Planet Mercury *** Planet Venus *** Planet Earth: Aphelion *** Perihelion *** Perihelion of Earth
Moon of Earth: Apogee *** Perigee *** Moon Phases: New Moon *** First Quarter *** Full Moon *** Last Quarter
Planet Mars *** Planet Jupiter *** Planet Saturn *** Planet Uranus *** Planet Neptune
* Mercury: Begins to enter east-southeast morning twilight at mid-month--BEST MORNING VIEW OF MERCURY FOR YEAR IN NORTHERN HEMISPHERE!
* Saturn: In Constellation Leo the Lion. Rises in the east-northeast sky near 11:00 P.m.; can be found nearly 60 degrees high in south-southeast sky at the beginning of morning twilight.
* Venus: Not easily visible until early December.
* Mars: Was in conjunction with Sun on Oct. 23, 3:00 a.m. EDST, and cannot be seen this month.
* Jupiter: In conjunction with Sun on Nov. 21, 6:00 p.m. EST, and cannot be seen this month.
Planets Defined --
Planet Mercury *** Planet Venus *** Planet Earth: Aphelion *** Perihelion *** Perihelion of Earth
Moon of Earth: Apogee *** Perigee *** Moon Phases: New Moon *** First Quarter *** Full Moon *** Last Quarter
Planet Mars *** Planet Jupiter *** Planet Saturn *** Planet Uranus *** Planet Neptune
* Mercury: In the east-northeast sky, BEST MORNING VIEW OF MERCURY FOR YEAR IN NORTHERN HEMISPHERE CONTINUES! By about mid-month, it becomes lost in the glare of the Sun for both northern and southern observers. In conjunction with Mars on Dec. 9 and a very close conjunction with on Dec. 10. For the time period 1980-2050, this is the CLOSEST VIEW, TOGETHER, OP THREE TRADITIONAL PLANETS; ALL THREE PLANETS CAN BE VIEWED WITHIN ABOUT A ONE-DEGREE CIRCLE ON DEC. 10.
* Mars: Early in month moves from Constellation Virgo to Scorpius; by middle of month moves to Ophiuchus. For both northern and southern observers, it begins to be visible in the east-southeast sky in the second half of December. By the end of the month, it rises 1.5 hours before the Sun. Mars is in conjunction with Mercury on Dec. 9 and with Jupiter on December 12;more info.
* Jupiter: In Constellation Virgo. Begins to become visible in dawn twilight this month. By month's end, very low in southeast morning twilight. Very close conjunction with Mercury on Dec. 10 and conjunction with Mars on Dec. 12;more info.
* Saturn: In Constellation Leo the Lion. Stationary on Dec. 6 and then begins retrograde (westward) motion. Rises mid-evening in east-northeast. About 55 degrees high in southwest during morning twilight.
* Venus: Begins to be observable in the southwest during evening twilight, however, very low in the sky by the end of the month for both northern and southern observers.
* Saturn: In Constellation Leo the Lion. Stationary on Dec. 6 and then begins retrograde (westward) motion. Rises mid-evening in east-northeast. About 55 degrees high in southwest during morning twilight.
Planets Defined --
Planet Mercury *** Planet Venus *** Planet Earth: Aphelion *** Perihelion *** Perihelion of Earth
Moon of Earth: Apogee *** Perigee *** Moon Phases: New Moon *** First Quarter *** Full Moon *** Last Quarter
Planet Mars *** Planet Jupiter *** Planet Saturn *** Planet Uranus *** Planet Neptune
NEWS: Astronomy, Space, Science |
History of Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science, Pittsburgh |
2005 December
Planets Defined --
Planet Mercury *** Planet Venus *** Planet Earth: Aphelion *** Perihelion *** Perihelion of Earth
Moon of Earth: Apogee *** Perigee *** Moon Phases: New Moon *** First Quarter *** Full Moon *** Last Quarter
Planet Mars *** Planet Jupiter *** Planet Saturn *** Planet Uranus *** Planet Neptune *** Planet Pluto
NEWS: Astronomy, Space, Science |
History of Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science, Pittsburgh |