NEWS: Astronomy, Space, Science |
History of Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science, Pittsburgh |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - |
Definitions by Celestial Objects: Earth, Moon, Planets, Minor Planets (Dwarf Planets, Asteroids/Planetoids), Well-Known Stars, Star Clusters, Meteorology / Weather
Glossary of Meteorology / Weather Terms: Link 1 *** Link 2 *** Link 3 *** Link 4 *** Link 5
Alphabetical Listing of Definitions -- Arabic Numerals * A * B * C * D * E * F * G * H * I * J * K * L * M * N * O * P * Q * R * S * T * U * V * W * X * Y * Z
a.m. = Ante-Meridiem (Morning: Midnight to a moment before Noon)
Annular Solar Eclipse -- Link 1 *** Link 2 ***** Tips for Safe Viewing: Eclipse of the Sun / Solar Eclipse
Aphelion of Earth: Link 1 *** Link 2
Apogee of Moon: Link 1 *** Link 2
Apparition - An appearance; in astronomy, the period of observation of a returning periodic comet. (
Astronomical Magnitude - See Magnitude
Astronomical Twilight --- Twilight
Astronomy and Other Sciences ---
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Astrophysics developed by nineteenth century Allegheny Observatory Astronomers Samuel Pierpont Langley and James E. Keeler.
Beehive--Star Cluster (Open): Beehive / Praesepe (M44)
Black Moon: Link 1 * Link 2 * Link 3
Blue Moon: Link 1 * Link 2 ***
Calendar Blue Moon *** Blue Moon
Celsius (temperature scale) - Imprecisely known as Centigrade, in previous decades.
Centigrade (temperature scale) - Imprecise term for Celsius.
Periodic Table of Chemical Elements
Civil Twilight --- Twilight
Clusters of Stars -- Star Cluster (Open): Beehive / Praesepe (M44) *** Star Cluster (Open): M35 *** Star Cluster (Open): Pleiades (M45)
Conjunction -- Inferior Conjunction *** Superior Conjunction
Having no formal astronomical definition, "cross-quarter" here is defined as the moment in time precisely half-way between an adjacent equinox and solstice, or adjacent solstice and equinox.
(Source: Eric G. Canali, Former Floor Manager of Pittsburgh's original
Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science and the Founder and Manager of the
South Hills Backyard Astronomers amateur astronomy club)
More information:
Cross-Quarter Day - Astronomical (Traditional)
Culminate/Culmination (Astronomy definition)
Direct and Retrograde motion of planetary bodies - Also see Motion (of planetary bodies)
Double-shadow transit - Shadows of two objects transiting or crossing the visible disk of a third object. Often used in reference to shadows of two of the Galilean moons crossing the visible disk of the Planet Jupiter.
Daylight Saving Time
Eclipse --
Lunar Eclipse --
Link 1 ***
Link 2 ***
Penumbral Eclipse --
Link 1 ***
Link 2 ***
Solar Eclipse --
Link 1 ***
Link 2 ***
Annular Solar Eclipse --
Link 1 ***
Link 2 *****
Tips for Safe Viewing: Eclipse of the Sun / Solar Eclipse
Periodic Table of Chemical Elements
Elongation ***
Greatest Elongation
Equilux - The actual day with equal hours and minutes of the Sun above the horizon, and equal hours and minutes of the Sun below the horizon. Occurs twice each year, approximately 3-to-4 days before the Vernal Equinox and 3-to-4 days after the Autumnal Equinox. (March 16, September 25)
First Quarter Moon Phase
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) -
Full Moon Phase --
Link 1 ***
Link 2
Greatest Elongation ***
Link 1 ***
Link 2
Last (or "Third") Quarter Moon Phase
Lunar Eclipse --
Link 1 ***
Link 2
Minimum (Astronomy definition) - minimum brightness observed or predicted, often for a variable star.
Moon of Earth --
Link 1 ***
Link 2 *****
Phases of Moon Defined --
New Moon ***
First Quarter ***
Full Moon Phase --
Link 1 ***
Link 2 ***
Last (or "Third") Quarter
Motion (of planetary bodies) -
Direct and Retrograde motion ***
Stationary (Astronomy definition)
Nautical Twilight ---
Neap Tides ---
Link 1 ***
Link 2
New Moon Phase
Orbit ***
Planetary Orbit
Orbital Periods - Sidereal Period, Synodic Period, Draconic Period, Anomalistic Period, Tropical Period.
Parallax - Actually motion parallax
Penumbral Eclipse --
Link 1 ***
Link 2
Equinox (EQX) - The Spring or Autumn quarter begins as the Earth's terminator, the boundary-line between night and day, momentarily crosses the North and South Poles. Therefore, with the Earth's day/night bounary line briefly poised simultaneously over both poles, only on dates near these times of year are the number of hours of night and day equal all over the globe.
(Source: Eric G. Canali, Former Floor Manager of Pittsburgh's original
Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science and the Founder and Manager of the
South Hills Backyard Astronomers amateur astronomy club)
More Information:
Equinox --
Vernal Equinox ***
Autumnal Equinox
Astronomy and Other Sciences
Perihelion of Earth: Link 1 *** Link 2 *** Link 3 *** Link 4
Periodic Table of Chemical Elements
Phases of Earth's Moon -- Phases of Earth's Moon Defined -- New Moon *** First Quarter *** Full Moon Phase -- Link 1 *** Link 2 *** Last (or "Third") Quarter
Planet *** Dwarf Planet *** Minor Planet *** Asteroid *** Planetoid
Planetarium - Planetarium Concept Born 1914
Quadrature (includes definition for Astronomy)
Retrograde and Direct motion of planetary bodies - Link 1 - Link 2 - Also see Motion (of planetary bodies)
Seasons - The annual spans of time framed by the solstices and their adjacent equinoxes. Of course, although the dates of the solstices and equinoxes remain the same, the season's name will be its opposite when comparing Southern Hemisphere locations to the Northern Hemisphere or vice versa.
** Seasonal Quarters - Although each "season" actually contains a slightly different number of days from the other three, "quarters" remains a common descriptive term for these four sectors of the Earth's orbit.
** Seasonal Weather - The local weather norms traditionally associated with a time of year. All annual extended weather sequences ultimately are driven by the effects marked by the astronomical quarterdays (the solstices and equinoxes) which frame the seasonal quarters of the year.
More Information
(Source: Eric G. Canali, Former Floor Manager of Pittsburgh's original
Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science and the Founder and Manager of the
South Hills Backyard Astronomers amateur astronomy club)
Solar Eclipse -- Link 1 *** Link 2 *** Annular Solar Eclipse -- Link 1 *** Link 2 ***** Tips for Safe Viewing: Eclipse of the Sun / Solar Eclipse
Solstice (SOLC) - Either of the two extremes of the Earth's constant 23.4-degree axial tilt, relative to the sunlight falling on its surface. Only at the June Solstice is the Earth's North Pole tilted the full 23.4 degrees towards the Sun...and only at the December Solstice is it tilted the full 23.4 degrees away from the Sun.
(Source: Eric G. Canali, Former Floor Manager of Pittsburgh's original
Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science and the Founder and Manager of the
South Hills Backyard Astronomers amateur astronomy club)
More Information:
Solstice --
Summer Solstice ***
Winter Solstice
Spring Tides --- Link 1 *** Link 2
Stationary (Astronomy definition) - Also see Motion (of planetary bodies)
Sun of Earth - Link 1 *** Link 2 *** Link 3
Terminator ---
Graphic showing the Terminator at the time of a Solstice and at the time of an Equinox.
[Graphic (c) Copyright 2005 Eric G. Canali, former Floor Operations Manager of Pittsburgh's original Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science and Founder of the South Hills Backyard Astronomers amateur astronomy club. Use permission granted for only non-profit use with credit to author.]
How the Earth's Terminator was used to help save the Apollo 13 spacecraft.
Tides-- Lunar Tides
"Third" (or Last) Quarter Moon Phase
Transit (astronomical): Link 1 *** Link 2 *** Also see Double-shadow transit
(Also see:
"Crowd-Funding Saves Tesla Electricity Lab"; Nikola Tesla may have been the true discoverer of X-Rays.)
Planets (Planet defined)
Planet Earth -- Aphelion *** Perihelion *** Perihelion of Earth
** Moon of Earth -- Apogee *** Perigee
*** Moon Phases: Phases of Moon Defined -- New Moon *** First Quarter *** Full Moon Phase -- Link 1 *** Link 2 *** Last (or "Third") Quarter
Pluto - See Dwarf Planet Pluto
Eris - See Dwarf Planet Eris
Xena - See Dwarf Planet Eris
Ceres - See Dwarf Planet 1 Ceres
Minor Planets (Dwarf Planets and Asteroids/Planetoids)
(Definitions of Minor Planet, Dwarf Planet, Asteroid, Planetoid)
List of solar system bodies formerly considered planets
Xena - See Dwarf Planet Eris
1 Ceres (Dwarf Planet)
Star Cluster (Open): Beehive / Praesepe (M44)
Star Cluster (Open): Pleiades (M45)
NEWS: Astronomy, Space, Science |
History of Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science, Pittsburgh |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) - |
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NEWS: Planetarium, Astronomy, Space, and Other Sciences
Other Internet Web Sites of Interest
History of The Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science, Pittsburgh
History of Adler Planetarium and Astronomy Museum, Chicago
Astronomer, Educator, and Telescope Maker John A. Brashear
History of Andrew Carnegie and Carnegie Libraries
Historic Duquesne Incline cable-car railway, Pittsburgh
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Andrew Carnegie Free Library,
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