Friends of the Zeiss RFP Response 2002 May 22 Page VI-1
The Buhl Planetarium and Institute Building
According to the Lease Agreement between the City of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Children's Museum, "Section 2.06 Existing Equipment" states, in part:
Attached hereto as Exhibit is an inventory list of additional personal property owned by the Landlord(City of Pittsburgh) as of the effective date of this Agreement(the "Additional Property). Landlord will make every effort possible to ensure that the Additional Property will not interfere with Tenant's(Pittsburgh Children's Museum) plans for improvements to or intended use of the Premises(The Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science building). During the term of this Lease, Tenant shall have the right to use or store the Additional Property at the Premises. Upon providing prior written notice to Landlord, Tenant shall have the right to store the Additional Property off-Premises at its sole cost and expense. Tenant shall not have the right to use the Additional Property off-Premises.
Before use or removal of any of these items by Tenant, the terms of such use or disposition shall be set forth in writing signed by both parties hereto. At the termination of this Agreement, all Additional Property(unless otherwise disposed of as set forth herein) shall remain the property of the Landlord.
The Additional Property referred to is itemized in the City of Pittsburgh Department of General Services Inventory titled, " Buhl Planetarium Assets," dated 2002 January 23. The following are the assets included in this inventory:
City Inventory: Buhl Planetarium Assets -- 2002 January 23
1. Zeiss II Planetarium Projector
2. Zeiss Control Panel
3. Mercator's Projection Map of the World
4. The Rise of Steel Technology Mural
5. 10-inch Siderostat-type Refractor Telescope
6. Oscilloscope
7. Epideoscope Projector
8. Two Glass Display Cases
9. Grand Clock
10. Gift Shop Sales Kiosk
11. 375 permanent Planetarium Seats
12. Two sets of Stage Drapes
13. Eleven Projection Boxes with Lenses
14. 250 permanent Lecture Hall(a.k.a. Little Science Theater) Seats
15. Two File Cabinets with Old Files in Projection Booth
16. Two Small Metal Tables in Projection Booth
17. Metal Stool in Projection Booth
18. Laboratory Demonstration Table in Lecture Hall
19. Painting: Halley's Comet
20. Decking for East Gallery Mezzanine
21. Two Cloth Panels in East Gallery
22. Miscellaneous Parts and Equipment
23. Built-in Safe
24. Paneled Board Room
25. Built-in Bookcase
Photographs of these items can be viewed at the Internet web page:
Friends of the Zeiss RFP Response 2002 May 22 Page VI-2
There are other pieces of equipment and artifacts, located on The Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science property, which should be added to the City inventory of Buhl Planetarium Assets:
Additional Buhl Planetarium Assets
1. Foucault Pendulum(Currently displayed at The Carnegie Science Center; scheduled to return to The Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science for display as part of the Pittsburgh Children's Museum and Center)
2. Beautiful Brass and Marble Foucault Pendulum Pit
3. World's First Theatrical Stage in a Planetarium, in the Theater of the Stars
4. Westinghouse Worm-Gear Elevator, in Zeiss Elevator Pit
5. 6,000 Pound Movable Floor and Mini-Stage, when Zeiss Projector is Stored in Zeiss Pit
6. Planetarium Domes: 65-foot Diameter, Stainless-Steel Interior Projection Dome in Theater of the Stars; 72-foot diameter Copper-Clad Exterior Dome
7. Sliding Roof over The People's Observatory
8. Original Glass Astronomical Transparencies in Planetarium Hallway
9. Lighted Picture Display Boxes in Planetarium Hallway
10. Lighted Picture Display Boxes in Observing Room of The People's Observatory
11. Astronomical Statuary(Six Statues, four Indiana Limestone, two copper-clad) on Exterior of Building
12. Two Astronomical Quotations on Exterior of Building
13. Inscription of Names of Famous Scientists on Exterior of Building
14. Sienna Marble(from Florence, Italy) on Great Hall walls, Pendulum Pit, Two Public Staircases, Public Restroom Walls(on Lower Level) and Staff Restroom Walls(on Second Floor)
15. Terrazzo Floors Through Most of Building
16. "Rainbow Wallpaper" at Entrance to East Gallery
17. Outdoor Street Freight Elevator
18. Indoor Passenger/Freight Elevator, Accessible to the Handicapped
19. Chair-Lift for the Disabled, to Octagon Gallery
20. Fans, Air Compressor, and other Physical Plant Equipment
21. Emergency Natural Gas Generator
22. Several Nickel-Cadmium Battery Emergency Lights
23. Outdoor Television Antenna(Above East Gallery, wired to Computer Lab)
24. Original Flag Pole on Front Lawn
More details, regarding Buhl Planetarium equipment and artifacts, can be found at the two following Internet addresses:
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The preceding 24 items should be added to the City of Pittsburgh Department of General Services "Buhl Planetarium Assets" Inventory, so that these important artifacts receive the same legal protection, in the Lease Agreement between the City of Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Children's Museum, as do the 25 pieces of equipment and artifacts which already appear in the City Inventory.
Friends of the Zeiss would be willing to keep an accounting of all of the above-mentioned artifacts, to ensure that these artifacts do not disappear over time. As time and funding allow, Friends of the Zeiss would also be willing to do restoration work on many of these artifacts.