Pittsburgh City Property:Buhl Planetarium

Remaining Equipment and Artifacts,

of The Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science,

owned by the City of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

2001 February


The Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science building, and all contents of the building, were donated and conveyed to the City of Pittsburgh, by the Buhl Foundation, at the building's dedication: October 24, 1939. Hence, the following are the property of the City of Pittsburgh:

  1. Site of the Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science[formerly, site of the City Hall of the City of Allegheny, Pennsylvania]
  2. The Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science building
  3. Zeiss II Planetarium Projector[remains inside Buhl building]
  4. 10-inch, "Siderostat-type" Refractor Telescope--under construction at time of dedication[remains inside Buhl building]
  5. 4-inch Zeiss Terrestrial Refractor Telescope--used in Observatory prior to completion of Siderostat-type telescope, and after completion[in use for public observing at The Carnegie Science Center]
  6. Foucault Pendulum[on public display at The Carnegie Science Center]
  7. 800-pound Meteorite-fifth largest fragment from Meteor Crater, Arizona[on public display at The Carnegie Science Center]
  8. Weight Scale, giving a person's weight on Earth, Moon, and a couple other planets[on display for public use at The Carnegie Science Center].
  9. Other artifacts remaining in The Buhl Planetarium and Institute of Popular Science building:
  1. Large World Map[created by the U.S. Maritime Commission]
  2. History of Technology Mural[commissioned by the U.S. Steel Corporation]
  3. Painting of Halley's Comet[donated by the late Willard F. Rockwell, Jr.]
  4. Epideoscope--antique microscopic overhead projector
  5. Oscilloscope--large older model
  6. Lecture Hall Science Table--in Little Science Theater
  7. Original Lecture Hall seating
  8. Beautiful brass and marble pit displaying the true cardinal points of the compass--formerly Pendulum Pit
  9. Grand Clock--in Great Hall
  10. Beautiful wood-paneled Library and Conference Room
  11. Lighted Picture Displays--in Planetarium hallway and Observatory
  12. Rainbow Wallpaper--at entrance to East Gallery
  13. Office Safe--on second floor

2001 February

Glenn A. Walsh

633 Royce Avenue

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15243-1149

Telephone: 412-561-7876

Electronic Mail: < gawalsh@planetarium.cc >

Internet Web Site: < http://www.planetarium.cc >