Author: Alan M. Paris
Allegheny Regional Asset District,
I will not be in Pittsburgh this week to attend the meeting, however, there are several things that should be said.
It is unthinkable that Buhl has not been declared a historic landmark. I will leave the specifics out for brevity, but Buhl is not simply a building to be taken over to increase space. It is part of Pittsburgh's history.
If I understand the current plan, which would include the parceling off of the Zeiss and Siderostat, it should not be permitted to go through in any form. Those pieces of equipment should be available for public use/viewing at Buhl. I have seen that Mr. Walsh has offered his time to volunteer to show those exhibits, and I am sure that a number of others would do the same. I recently moved to Baltimore, however, I feel strongly enough about the subject to commit to coming back to Pittsburgh to volunteer my services several times per year as well. I am sure that you will find others that are equally willing.
Timm Barczy and Glenn Walsh have both done a commendable amount of work in this matter. They both know my views on the subject; I will not waste time rehashing points that have been made repeatedly. They both have my support in this endeavor.
Alan M. Paris
Senior Materials Engineer
Black & Decker
Baltimore, MD